It doesn’t seem like Dokka’s tasks are cacheable, ...
# dokka
It doesn’t seem like Dokka’s tasks are cacheable, as of version 1.4.20. I see this PR has been open and awaiting review since august. Anyone know what priority this is for the dokka maintainers? I’m noticing that
tasks take a fairly long time, which is really noticeable when doing builds that don’t actually change any source code, and caching would help a lot.
To be fair we are a little bit hesitant towards gradle caching since we had lots of issues in dokka with it. I’ll ask someone knowledgeable in gradle to review it and ask whether or not it could cause problems for dokka.
Well they do say caching is one of the hardest problems in computer science 😉 But for builds it’s extremely important. Working with large repos is almost impossible without caching as much as possible. And that’s extra true for tasks that take on the order of seconds to complete, like dokka.