With 1.4.30, how do we configure the new `suppress...
# dokka
With 1.4.30, how do we configure the new
feature in gradle? I don't see that flag mentioned in the docs anywhere, and it's not a property on the dokka task, the source set builder, or the plugin base configuration.
Uh, thats weird. I might have messed up during the rebase. I’ll check it out in more detail tomorrow
Well yes, i think i messed up the rebase 😿 Right now this option defaults to
so it shouldn’t be a problem but i’ve created a PR to make it configurable: https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/pull/1789 Sorry for the inconvenience 😞
We should have a small bugfix version with possibly a compiler bump to 1.4.31 within 2 weeks. Also this change should be included in dev builds in few days
@AJ Alt Is it working by default for you? I have checked the issue https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/1501 and tried myself, the inherited functions are still being generated for 1.4.30 version?
Which functions are not filtered?
was designed to work only with default
etc not with custom functions. You can split inherited members into 2 tabs if you like: https://kotlin.github.io/dokka/1.4.30/user_guide/base-specific/frontend/#separating-inherited-members
Got it, yes the
are not seen by default. I was expecting to have it not show all the Android inherited functions at all as the solution you linked above is only for HTML and not for GFM it seems Is there a release coming to not show any inherited functions as they take a lot of space in GFM?
I think i will give it more priority since as it turned out there are lots of people that are interested in it. Just to be extra sure: you interested in filtering all functions inherited from supertypes that are not overriden in the viewed class?
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Yes, that's right!
Thanks, here is an issue to track our progress: https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/1501 😄
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