First time Dokka user. Using 1.4.0-rc, dokkaHtml t...
# dokka
First time Dokka user. Using 1.4.0-rc, dokkaHtml task. (1) My understanding was inline markdown was supported, but using bold doesn't seem to do anything in my function docs. [linking] does work though. (2) By default it seems Dokka documents only public members, but I also want to document protected members. It seems there's only includeNonPublic which in turn also includes private and internal, which is exactly what I don't want. Any options here I missed? (3) Continuing on point 2, I've tried using @suppress on private members, but everything still happily shows up in the docs anyway?
1. I think I merged a PR in the last week that might be helpful to you 2. Very good point. I agree. Will bring this up in todays planning ☺️ 3. Will get back to you on that point!
I think I also tried 1.10.1 yesterday and it came with the same issues? I would have at least expected (3) to work? Maybe there's something I'm doing wrong on that point? I really need some way to document public+protected but not private+internal. Any way. Even if I have to manually @suppress everything. Is there any other version or other output format known to work for this?
I would like to gently remind you that dokka 1.4.x is still considered an alpha state project 🙄
No worries there mate, I am grateful for the effort. This is not a critique nor a demand. I am simply asking if @ suppress should have worked on 0.10.1 (because if it should, I'm doing something wrong somewhere), and if there's any way to achieve what I want either with 0.10.1 or 1.4.x. "No" is a perfectly valid answer to both 🙂
👍 1
2: You can track this issue here, that I created ☺️ I think this might be reasonable Regarding the @suppress: @Paweł Marks @Kamil Doległo can somebody of you coment?
should have worked in
with Kotlin files (not Java ones though as javadoc comments don’t support any kind of suppression, vide #492)