The day has come! <
# dokka
Does version 1.4.0-rc autodetect multiplatform targets? I tried 1.4.0-rc-21 the other day, and I still had to manually specify my targets.
Looks like
requires a README file on each module. I think that should be optional
Also I'm getting ambiguous
errors when running
./gradlew clean dokkaHtmlMultimodule
And lastly, multimodule docs are all over the place, not even sure how to host them. Otherwise new dokka is amasing 🙂
Interesting, running collector before multimodule seems to be generating everything fine
Shuldn't multimodule depend on collector?
My bad, just had another read through blogpost. Those two tasks serve different purposes
In any case, I'd be interested to know how to host docs as a static website generated by
Would be nice to have the output like
but still separated by module under separate expandable sections
Yep, confirm what Campbell says, I have
Copy code
No source sets to document found.
Make source to configure at least one source set e.g.
for very simple MPP library
Do you plan to publish to mavenCentral? Now it available only on jcenter()
huh, left nav panel doesn’t work for me when open doc locally:
Fetch API cannot load file:///project/path/build/dokka/html/navigation.html. URL scheme must be “http” or “https” for CORS request
It’s a bit inconvenient to use webserver just to check local copy
Unknown external types generated as
<a href="">Type</a>
which look incorrect, I think old dokka just omit link
Also noticed that all typealiases are resolved as UNKNOWN ERROR
All links in Properties sections broken...
@gildor: Statically embedding nav panel was a terrible idea because it resulted in generated docs size increasing quadratically with project size, so loading it dynamically was the only reasonable solution. You can use IntelliJ for that purpose. Just click on any icon of browser in a widget that pops up when you open any html file, and it will run the webserver in the background.
Packages with only internal declarations are still getting doc pages generated, and now the workaround that 0.10.1 had (suppress = true) doesn't work
@msink This is unexpected and we will definitely investigate that. Is the project on which you have found this issue open sourced? Can you point us to it?
of course, kotlin-libui
@serebit we are aware about this bug and it will be fixed in one of further builds this week
👍 1
@gildor @Big Chungus we will be checking typealiases resolution soon. Do you see any warnings in dokka logs?
Yeah, I use python http server for preview But why not use iframe for navigation? Probably too late, but it still looks as thing which will be reported all the time by dokka users, maybe at least show proper error message instead of empty navigation panel
And lastly, multimodule docs are all over the place, not even sure how to host them. Otherwise new dokka is amasing
You can track now. This is already implemented and goes into review now.