Hi there! I just got into dokka yesterday … just t...
# dokka
Hi there! I just got into dokka yesterday … just to be clear: Is it currently possible to publish javadoc jars with JDK >= 11?
Nope, it’s not unfortunately. It will be possible from the next release I hope, which should be there in a few months
Here’s the relevant issue https://github.com/Kotlin/dokka/issues/428
in a few months
ouch …
That's weird, Dokka runs just fine on my dist of OpenJDK 11. Granted, I haven't tried to generate javadoc jars, but just running
works as intended.
Yup, dokka itself works fine on JDK versions > 8, but the javadoc format doesn’t
Guess Maven Central is going to have to go without a javadoc jar for a few months... I assume JDK 11 support is on the table for the release after the imminent one?
Yes, sure. We just don’t want to repeat the same work twice. We’re now changing the internal dokka model and all formats will have to be rewritten, so writing a new javadoc implementation for this release and rewriting it in the next one would be a waste of time IMHO
👍 1