C4P: If you're ever in the San Diego, CA area on t...
# speaking
C4P: If you're ever in the San Diego, CA area on the first Wednesday of the month, the San Diego Kotlin User Group (https://www.meetup.com/sd-kotlin/, #san-diego) will always be looking for presenters. Unfortunately, we don't have any budget for covering travel and expenses at this time, but we usually have nice whether, plenty of sunshine, and I'd be glad to personally buy you a beer. 🍻 If interested, feel free to PM me here, or message me via Meetup. Thanks!
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I’ve also tweetted this. It’s a great idea to stick to the day of the month. Whoever is planning the visit might join with ease 🙂
Thank you for helping us spread the word, @Alina Dolgikh [JB]! 😊
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