I am looking for a way to continously compile and ...
# test
I am looking for a way to continously compile and run tests, but only those for which dependencies have been recompiled. Basically, has anyone here found a way to replicate what
sbt testQuick
does but in Kotlin + JUnit5 (with Gradle)?
So far I have only found http://www.ekstazi.org/index.html however I couldn't get it to work with JUnit5 and there is an issue open for it:
What does Gradle do if you use -t? That's continuous build on changes, but I haven't experimented with it.
It will build the changes continuously but then goes on to run the entire test suite after every successful compilation
Ahhh, OK. So just detects file changes and runs a normal build. Thanks. So if your tests are fast enough, it's bearable, but likely wouldn't take much to go past bearable.
Our test suite currently takes about 5min to run.
Hmm. Perhaps time to break them up into unit and integration or something else to speed them up? But something like testQuick would still be valuable regardless.