<@U6ECJCVAL> Spek’s stye of testing is really desc...
# test
@rkeazor Spek’s stye of testing is really descriptive and it has a great api. Closely matches BDD test style in other languages, which can be a plus if your familiar with those, or if your porting a project from one of those languages and it has good test coverage. Overall I’m very pleased with it, but has some rough edges - tooling and reporting are not as well supported as the Junit ecosystem (for example, running a single test from IDE is not support) but I think that will come.
Running a single test via the IDE works with this plugin https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8564-spek
nice, thanks!
oh, I have been using this plugin, but have not seen an integration that allows me to right click on a spec and run it. In this case I mean a single ‘it()’ or ‘given()’
yes - clicking on a single
works for me
could you be hitting this limitation when you have
actions? https://github.com/raniejade/spek-idea-plugin/issues/34#issuecomment-287657992
Wait but does thag work on android studio, or just on Intelij Idea
I’ve not tried on AS Studio, but it does work in IntelliJ
you could try asking on #spek