hmmm....I just discovered there is a kotlin gtk ex...
# tornadofx
hmmm....I just discovered there is a kotlin gtk example:
👀 1
t a bit old, but point in the right direction
Yeah it looks nice, I built and ran the sample
looks very promising, but not quite there yet
still, I may try and build a simple app or convert an existing app
the biggest problem for me is the lack of kotlin native libraries, once kotlinx-io is done that will be a huge step towards making kotlin native more viable
I think the idea is to use C libraries with Kotlin/Native, no? That's what I did, but my Kotlin/Native project was some embedded software.
Yes and no, currently Kotlin supports C Interop and Objective-C Interop with plans for C++ and Swift
You can use interop with libraries for things like file i/o
but, in my opinion, it makes kotlin more difficult to use than just picking a framework that already provides that functionality (e.g. Qt)
it's like the difference between using gtk directly with C interop and using that kotlin-native-gtk library
the kotlin-native-gtk library takes full advantage of the kotlin language and makes using gtk easier to me than any other languages it supports
those libraries are coming along though, kotlinx-datetime, kotlinx-serialization are available and hopefully kotlinx-io isn't far behind
I'm really looking forward to kotlinx-io. But they said it will still take some time
yeah it's not in the roadmap for the next 6 months
hopefully it will make it in the next roadmap so we'll have it by this time next year
m This and other libraries from the "korlibs" set are worth a look.
👍 1
looks really nice, I will have to try it out soon
I was just thinking, its a shame there aren't more libraries available for native, that's the only draw back to kotlin native when you compare it to something like go
I was going to say and python but python is more like kotlin jvm than native