<@UBJF87EBY> Scene builder only works with fxml as...
# tornadofx
@Dominaezzz Scene builder only works with fxml as far as I know...I started to add similar functionality as Scene builder to the tfx-plugin a while back but currently I don't have any spare time to continue the work on it...So currently your best bet to preview the view is to run only that view from intellij or run the hole app with hot-reloading enabled
👍 2
How do you run just a view? Do you have to make an application for it?
It should show a little tfx-icon on the view class in intellij which you can then click to run it
Ah, I don't have plugin installed. My IntelliJ version is too recent.
Ah okay that's to bad maybe @edvin has time to make a release of the plugin for the latest version?
Oops. The plugins UI in the IDE just wasn't working. Had to install via browser.
Thanks btw.
Glad it did work out👍