Dumb question: Does TornadoFx work with OpenJdk 13...
# tornadofx
Dumb question: Does TornadoFx work with OpenJdk 13 & OpenFx 13? I've done a fair bit of tornadofx, but only ever used jdk8 environments.
Good question. If I'm right, you can use the Java10-branch snapshot to use it with OpenFx.
👍 1
Thanks. For the moment, I'm wandering around in a maze of twisty little infrastructure passages. Trying to get all of intellij, gradle, openjdk 13, and openjfx 13. and tornadofx pulled together. Got a compilation, but I get the "JavaFx runtime components missing" message, which I think may just mean that I haven't successfully told gradle to export the libraries.
Javafx runtime components are missing is thrown when your javafx dependencies are on the compile path
Use the JavaFX-Gradle-plugin to make your life easier
Seemingly, I have it. It's hard to say for sure just yet, but i have a gradle project that uses the application plugin to run a tornadofx hello world. That hello world tells me it's running under 13.0.1. All of the owwie came from the gradle and the intellij: the actual compilation seemed just fine. Intellij seems to want to run the gradle under jdk 8 no matter what until you explicitly tell it otherwise, which took me a while to figure out, as the gradle command line has no such issue and just uses JAVA_HOME. Additionally, the configs in intellij go through gradle, can't use an application run w/o hardwiring a path to openjfx which i don't have.
Around Christmas i also tried to setup everything with java 13 ... but it wasn't that much fun and i couldn't get the fxlauncher to work again. I'll look after this sample project and upload it somewhere when i get home.
I got a junit config to run the tests in intellij. it "just works". Still no way to launch an application config, yet. I don't know why I care, really, running through inteillij's gradle configs works just fine for app and tests both.
(This is all pursuant to trying out vlcj 4 for playing media instead of the javafx media stuff.)
IDEs are not yet smart enough to automatically add all dependencies to the module path. You need to specify it to them. Check the Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA section in https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/
I've studied those docs a bit. Am I mistaken in thinking that the fix to get an intellij application config to run is to specify the jfx dependencies on the VM args? That's a price too high to pay, as it either binds the project file to my box or it makes me embed the jars in the source vault, both of which are basically saying that gradle's just there to provide extra confusion in setup. It's not a show-stopper that there's no application config that works. the gradle config works fine. I just dislike that intellij's gradle integration doesn't keep up with gradle. :)
Maybe this could help...
Cool, I'll check it out, thank you!