Hey everyone, could someone post a example gradle-...
# tornadofx
Hey everyone, could someone post a example gradle-build file how to wire a newer jdk 11+, jfx-plugin, tfx and so on. Somehow i cant get it right. Thanks!
Are using using the Kotlin DSL or the Groovy DSL?
With the Kotlin DSL:
Copy code
plugins {
    id("org.openjfx.javafxplugin") version "0.0.8"
    // ...

repositories {
    jcenter() // or maven central
    maven("<https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots>") // this is the important one

dependencies {
    // ...

javafx {
    version = "12.0.2" // or something else
    modules("javafx.controls", "javafx.web") // modify this with what you need from JavaFX
Note that this is using an unsupported snapshot version of TornadoFX, as TFX does not support JDK 11+, support for newer Java versions is available in a separate stale branch on GitHub
Kotlin DSL, thanks!
Correction : the branch is not stale and actually fairly active, it got an update a few days ago it seems. The snapshot you can grab off of Maven Snapshots should always be up to date with what is on GitHub.