<@U0F3291QE> <@U10EJRH2L> I just created a very ve...
# tornadofx
@edvin @Ruckus I just created a very very small PR but I see that the build fails on travis while it works on my system
It looks like the CI check started failing in June after a change to the Travis CI config merged which runs that deploy step requiring a GPG password. Looks like the job was timing out waiting for that password until a commit on August 7. I don't see anything in that August 7 commit that should have affected the build and/or environment setup in a way that would correspond to the errors in that log about configuring Java in the CI environment. Is it possible there was some configuration change behind the scenes at Travis, or a deprecation of some kind?
Looks like all builds since August 7 have had essentially the same issue as this. Could be related to Oracle not providing Java 8 builds anymore? Is it time to switch to an OpenJDK build? ZuluFX or similar?
It raises the question... why is it using Oracle Java 8 anyway instead of the OpenJDK Java 8 that is default on the Ubuntu environment? I'm going to go tinker with that on a branch.
hmmz if it uses java8 I can imagine it will give problems it should be at least 10
There is a matrix for providing the right jdk based on the branch being built. Oh, it's probably not accounting for your branch not being named
, so it's getting fouled up
This is a multi-faceted problem 🙂
Actually the pr is against the jdk10 branch and the branch I created it on in my fork is called jdk10 too
also btw the pr is because of the gpg stuff I changed the plugin to only do the gpg signing when the deploy task is called
I bumped into that gpg issue trying to do some testing on my app against the
branch the other day. Thanks for taking care of that
do you know how often I fixed that 🙂
I think the first time was in 1.5
😮 2