Is there some flow operator to make this less verb...
# coroutines
Is there some flow operator to make this less verbose?:
Copy code
val response = readPacketFlow().first { response -> response is Acknowledgement }
when (response) {
	Acknowledgement -> true
	else -> false
Edit: I would like to return true or false from flow if the first item matches a given predicate.
I think that codepiece isn't correct. Response can never be anything other than Acknowledgment, because if the flow cant find Acknowledgment, it will throw an exception
So response is of type Acknowledgment
True. I would like to return true or false from flow if the first item matches a given predicate. So if the first item is not of type
, it should return false
I guess this would be my best option:
Copy code
return when (readPacketFlow().first()) {
	Acknowledgement -> true
	else -> false
👍 1
return readPacketFlow().first() is Acknowledgement