I was wondering, is it safe/good idea to use `coro...
# coroutines
I was wondering, is it safe/good idea to use
inside a flow operator? I have a flow I’m mapping on, and I want, depending on the value do some multiple suspending calls that I would optimally prefer to be done in parallel. Specific example inside the thread 🧵
The whole class looks like this
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class AnimalsScreenViewModel(
    private val someRepository: SomeRepository,
    @DefaultDispatcher private val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
) : ViewModel() {

    private val _animalType: MutableStateFlow<AnimalType> = MutableStateFlow(<http://AnimalType.Cat|AnimalType.Cat>)
    val animalType: StateFlow<AnimalType>
        get() = _animalType.asStateFlow()

    val animalListStateFlow: StateFlow<List<Animal>> = animalType
        .map { animalType: AnimalType ->
            coroutineScope {
                val getAnimalAsyncCalls: List<Deferred<List<Animal>>> = List(4) { index ->
                    async {
                            animalType = animalType,
                            page = (index + 1)
                val animalList: List<Animal> = getAnimalAsyncCalls
            scope = viewModelScope + defaultDispatcher, // Not sure about setting a dispatcher here
            started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5000),
            initialValue = listOf()

    fun setAnimalType(animalType: AnimalType) {
        _animalType.value = animalType
I want to bring the emphasis on the map flow operator here
Copy code
.map { animalType: AnimalType ->
    coroutineScope {
        val getAnimalAsyncCalls: List<Deferred<List<Animal>>> = List(4) { index ->
            async {
                    animalType = animalType,
                    page = (index + 1)
        val animalList: List<Animal> = getAnimalAsyncCalls
I am 100% not sure about if this would work alright, and follow structured concurrency and cancel itself if the
flow emits a different value in the meantime. I would love it if someone could take a peek at this and point out if there’s something obviously bad that I should be aware of, thank you.
Depends on the operator but it is safe in general. If you need concurrency... then you need concurrency.
I am just completely unfamiliar with the
function that’s why I just thought I’d share it here to see if there’s something obviously wrong about it, I just recently read about it on Bill Phillips’ blog here https://www.billjings.net/posts/title/foot-marksmanship-with-runblocking/ and it just so happened that I had a case where I needed access to async while I was in a simple suspend function. But when you say depends on the operation, what comes first to your mind where it would be problematic?
Operators where you can call emit basically, since it'll be easier to break Flow rules of not switching context. oLike
is one of them.
Aha so inside those, if the context switches (which it would with
I guess?) this would break somehow? Is that documented somewhere, I haven’t seen it mentioned before.
Wow thank you! Never would have found this in the docs myself.