Hello, I am trying to use Flow in an iOS project ...
# coroutines
Hello, I am trying to use Flow in an iOS project using objective-c. I am not so familiar with the iOS environment. Reading a bit some articles, I made the following code in Kotlin
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class IosDispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher() {
    override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) { block.run() }

actual class PrimaryScope : CoroutineScope {
    private val dispatcher = IosDispatcher()
    private val job = Job()

    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
        get() = dispatcher + job

fun <T>observe(origin: Flow<T>, block: (T) -> Unit): PrimaryScope {
    val scope = PrimaryScope()

    origin.onEach {

    return scope
But when I do use it, I am getting the error from the screenshot. I use it like this (I tried with empty block in case it was related to a reference lost, or similar):
Copy code
[UnityKotlinCoroutineHelperKt observeOrigin: self.tokenStorage.events
                                          block:^(id result) {
Do you have some example I could use? Or article explaining how to achieve this? Thanks a lot for your lights.
Any reason your not using the MainDispatcher from the coroutine library?
Because I also had errors with it. But might be related to something else. I'll bug another channel about it 😄
My guess is your are noting using the
version and accessing the dispatcher from a background thread, but not sure.
And you are correct!