:mega: :mega: :mega: `kotlinx.coroutines` 1.5.1 is...
# coroutines
📣 📣 📣
1.5.1 is here! • Bi-directional cancellation in Play Services integration • Behavioural improvements in
• Fixed annoying but rare crash with
java.lang.ClassCastException: kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.CompletedContinuation cannot be cast to kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DispatchedContinuation
• New API reference site: https://kotlin.github.io/kotlinx.coroutines/ • Various bug fixes and improvements Full changelog: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/releases/tag/1.5.1
🎉 22
1.5.1-native-mt is going to be ready around Monday
K 8
@Vsevolod Tolstopyatov [JB] Just to confirm...looks like this depends on use of Kotlin 1.5.20 (at least for K/N)?
If so, then I think apps using Jetpack Compose for example will likely need to wait until that supports 1.5.20...
In general, all minor versions of Kotlin can be used interchangeably as long as no experimental API is involved. Jetpack Compose users can use 1.5.1 coroutines and 1.5.0 Kotlin as long as no experimental (e.g.
) API is used
I ran in to issues pulling in Kotlinx Serialization 1.2.2 (which also now depends on 1.5.20) in a project that was using 1.5.10 (as Compose depends on right now)....at least for iOS build
âž• 2
so thought maybe same issue here
"Incompatible abi version" error in that case
so not directly an issue with Jetpack Compose....more indirectly in that Compose requires use of Kotlin 1.5.10 right now....and issues then doing Kotlin/Native builds using for example Kotlinx Serialization 1.2.2 (that uses Kotlin 1.5.20 now)....I updated to 1.5.20 in project just to confirm the issue with iOS build was resolved and it was (but then Compose won't work using that Kotlin version right now)
Same boat here. Added wrinkle, trying to get watchosX64 working too…