Hey, I am working in a non UI class [Model layer] ...
# coroutines
Hey, I am working in a non UI class [Model layer] -
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private val _program = MutableStateFlow(NwProgram())
override val program: StateFlow<NwProgram> = _program

private val stateFlowScope: CoroutineScope by lazy { CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) }

override val entities: StateFlow<List<NwEntity>> = program.transform {
    emit(it.entities ?: emptyList())
    scope = stateFlowScope,
    started = WhileSubscribed(5000),
    initialValue = emptyList()
But during building, it got -
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e: java.lang.AssertionError: Unbound symbols not allowed

Execution failed for task ':coresdk:compileDebugKotlin'.
> Internal compiler error. See log for more details
Kotlin v1.5.0
coroutines v1.5.0
So, why it’s happening? Can anyone help I was migrating 
 in my Android project.
Although not the same issue, I have a somewhat similar error with 1.5.0. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-46726. It is pretty hard to know what is actually failing since the error message is so generic with no details on exactly what triggered the error. I think you should try to isolate code that is failing (like I did in my issue) to the minimum. And report it as an issue. In my case the commenter suggested a workaround.
Thank you for the info. 🙂
Ahh, so, it was an error because of the explicit. Android studio show that as optional that is why I removed and so I was getting the error.