What is the standard way to refactor a lazy proper...
# coroutines
What is the standard way to refactor a lazy property to a suspend function that uses a cached value on subsequent runs?
or something else?
Copy code
// from this
val someProperty: Int by lazy {
    // refactoring to perform some suspendable logic

// to this
suspend fun someProperty(): Int {
    // only should be executed max once (and then cached)
Maybe to use this:
Copy code
fun <T> suspendableLazy(scope: CoroutineScope, provider: suspend () -> T) = object : SuspendableProvider<T> {
    private val computed = scope.async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) { provider() }

    override val isCompleted: Boolean
        get() = computed.isCompleted

    override suspend fun get() = computed.await()
But then I end up passing some application-scope (e.g.
). Wouldn’t it be better to use a scope of the coroutine calling the function for the first time?
and what do you do if it's cancelled before the value is computed?
The next call would end up doing the work
wrap a var with a mutex, then. similar to how Lazy (in the default LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED) works but with coroutines
Copy code
fun <T : Any>  suspendableLazy(provider: suspend () -> T) = object : SuspendableProvider<T> {
    private val mutex = Mutex()
    private var result: T? = null
    override val isCompleted: Boolean get() = result != null
    override suspend fun get() = mutex.withLock {
        result ?: provider().also { result = it }
or something like that, tweak as needed
Thanks! I wonder if that logic can be wrapped in a delegated property of type Deferred<T> so that the suspending fun just has to do
This doesn’t look right (not sure I’m getting the benefits of a lazy delegate here!)
Copy code
private class CachingSuspendableProvider<T>(private val provider: suspend () -> T) : SuspendableProvider<T> {
    private var result: T? = null

    private val mutex = Mutex()

    override suspend fun get(): T = result
        ?: mutex.withLock {
            result ?: provider().also {
                result = it

    override val isCompleted: Boolean
        get() = result != null

private class SuspendableLazy<T>(provider: suspend () -> T): Lazy<suspend () -> T> {
    private val suspendableLazy = CachingSuspendableProvider(provider)

    override val value: suspend () -> T
        get() = suspendableLazy::get

    override fun isInitialized() = suspendableLazy.isCompleted

fun <T> suspendableLazy(provider: suspend () -> T): Lazy<suspend () -> T> = SuspendableLazy(provider)

// usage
private val fooDelegate by suspendableLazy { /* compute Foo */ }
suspend fun getFoo(): Foo = fooDelegate()
no, you're not. equivalent to
val lazyValue = suspendableLazy { compute() }::get
with the previous implementation, and less ceremony
@ephemient Looks like the above implementation of
contains an unsynchronized read on `result`:
Copy code
override val isCompleted: Boolean get() = result != null
Wouldn't that require annotating
isComplete is racy but it doesn't matter
what are you going to do,
if (isComplete) get()
? it's going to wait on the mutex for the value no matter what
there's just inherent races with callers using isComplete, no need to try to narrow it.
The problem is not the inherent race but that a caller reading from one thread might not immediately see the update from another thread due to weak processor cache coherency. Depends on what you use
for. Anyway, I don't really see it working:
val lazyValue = suspendableLazy { compute() }::get
returns a function, not a value.
it has to be a function, there's no suspendable property delegates yet. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-20414