How do you folks architect around the fact that sh...
# coroutines
How do you folks architect around the fact that shared flows (correctly) need scope as a parameter?. Should only classes that own their scope use sharing operators? In rx I used to do this
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class AppInForeground {
	val appInForeground: Observable<Boolean> by lazy {
naive Flow implementation
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class AppInForeground {
	fun appInForeground(scope: CoroutineScope) {
		if (_appInForeground == null) {
			synchornized(this) {
				if(_appInForeground == null) {
					_appInForeground = Lifecycle.wrapAsFlow()
						.shareIn(scope, SharingStarted.Lazily, 1)

		return _appInForeground!!
just looks stupid, however the main issue is that callers should not determine the scope, right? I think idiomatic way is this
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class AppInForeground : HasLifecycle {
	private val scope = SupervisorScope(..)

	private val _appInForeground = MutableStateFlow(false)
	val appInForeground: Flow<Boolean> get() = _appInForeground

	override fun create() {
		scope.launch {
				.collect {
					_appInForeground.value = it

	override fun destroy() {
Works, however its a bit less efficient, i.e. it subscribers when the AppInForeground class si instantiated, also whole lot more ceremony... Is there a way more close to the rx way? or should I just deal with it?
Just as a side note, double checked locking is flawed in java. Please use a different pattern for singletons or make sure
yea, thanks!