Folks who inject CoroutineScope, as in App scope, ...
# coroutines
Folks who inject CoroutineScope, as in App scope, to keep the suspend functions running no matter the ui, Do you expose regular or suspend functions for such component?
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class Foo(coroutineScope) {
   fun bar() {
      coroutineScope.launch {
This however does not compose as its not s suspend function 😑 What to do if a blocking function is needed for some legacy component? If it were a suspend function, that legacy component might call it from within a runBlocking block If however its a plain function, now I need to add a barBlocking as well to the api, which is ..ughh, not scaling well
Not sure why a CoroutineScope would need to be injected. Injection of a CoroutineContext (eg a Dispatcher) makes sense (especially for the benefit of writing unit tests), but why injecting a CoroutineScope?
to keep the suspend functions running no matter the ui
@streetsofboston I see, you are not questioning why a Scope, but why to inject it. 🙂
@ursus what do you mean by
This however does not compose
. What is your issue with the non-suspending approach?
for example when i need a to make it into a blocking function .. like in firebase messaging service; if it were suspending, i'd just call it in runBlocking
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fun FirebaseMessagingService.onMessageReceived() {
    runBlocking { thingThatWouldBeLaunchedInFoo() }
I also create it privately, but I've seen folks sharing/injecting the scope