Today I needed this: ```class SuspendAtomicRef<...
# coroutines
Today I needed this:
Copy code
class SuspendAtomicRef<T : Any> {
    private var data: T? = null
    private val mutex = Mutex()

    suspend fun getOrSet(init: suspend () -> T): T {
        return mutex.withLock {
            data ?: init().also { data = it }
Seems pretty basic so I wonder if I am missing it in the coroutines library?
Odd, why not just use an atomic ref? Would be faster.
It for an optimization so reducing multiple
invocations the entire point of it
Ah, I missed the init part.
Given you still hit the mutex even after initialisation, there's still much room for improvement.
I also feel like I would refactor my code to not need this but that's probably just ignorance due to lack of use case.
Thanks for the hint @ephemient. I was actually using Louis suspendLazy previously but it sucks for properties. I think my
work better in that: 1. Needs no coroutine on allocation (great for properties) 2. Supports cancellation much better in that a cancelled
will not break or block the others waiting.