Does running a series of coroutine operations in a...
# coroutines
Does running a series of coroutine operations in a blocking context force all inner functionality to run synchronously? say you had something like
Copy code
runBlocking {

  val (foo,bar) = doAsync({ foo() },{ bar() })
  val (baz,bax) = doAsync({ baz(foo) },{ bax(bar) })

  return listOf(foo,bar,baz,bax)

Assuming doAsync runs the inner lambdas concurrently, would runBlocking the outer scope force these to run synchronously ?
No, runBlocking doesn’t mean thing inside are blocking one another, it’s just a coroutine builder that only returns after the coroutines inside have finished
But you still need to have enough threads available if things run in parallel, like
for example (unless the async stuff can run in concurrently on one thread)
async stuff can run in concurrently on one thread => foo, bar, baz, and bax are suspending, and have suspension points in them ?
Yes. I use async quite a bit, but for my use-case I only run 1 thread. So I effectively have a bunch of "green threads" that are doing cooperative multitasking. And yes, every time they hit something that suspends, they effective give up control and let something else run.