How do I run N network calls parallel-ly and wait ...
# coroutines
How do I run N network calls parallel-ly and wait for their response? Data {1, 2, 3, ... N} -> Response { Response1, Response2, Response3...ResponseN} I want to run the tasks parallel-ly and wait for their response separately without losing which response belongs to which data param.
Copy code
val dataList = listOf(data1, data2, ... dataN)
coroutineScope {
    val responses = { data -> 
        async { 
in this case it will wait for all responses. If you want to handle responses asynchronously as well do
Copy code
val dataList = listOf(data1, data2, ... dataN)
coroutineScope { // coroutineScope suspends until all children complete
    dataList.forEach { data -> 
        async { 
          val response = performRequest()
          // handle data & response
Thanks. Working.