Hello everyone.... Am I going crazy? In my Android...
# coroutines
Hello everyone.... Am I going crazy? In my Android ViewModel I have something like this:
Copy code
viewModelScope.launch(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) { someFunction() }
fun someFunction(){}
It's compiling!!! But whyyyy? Shouldn't someFunction() be suspendable??
You can call regular, non-suspending functions from suspending functions. You just can’t call suspending functions from regular ones.
Well .... is it something new? I'm sorry for the stupid question
The only limitation is that you must invoke suspended functions in a suspended block If you could only invoke suspend methods in a suspended block you would not be able to do even a simple
val i = 0
as it’s synchronous
I’d say that is a consistent behaviour from the introduction of
Nope, that’s always been the case, and it’s very common to call non-suspending functions from suspending ones.
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Okay guys, thank you so much for your help!
I really like how this article explains it
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I'd just freaking love this community! Thank you so much ❤️
I def gonna read the article
@Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] but will the non suspending function block the calling suspending one? 🤔
Yes. However, because you’re launching your coroutine on the IO dispatcher, it will run on a background thread and it won’t block your app’s main thread.
Got it, thank you :)
One more addition, even if you mark function with suspend modifier, it doesn't mean that it automatically non-blocking, it just means that it can call other suspend functions
This is an excellent question, actually! Why would someone assume that non suspending functions should be callable from a coroutine context?