`open class Listener<T>(element: T) {` `...
# coroutines
open class Listener<T>(element: T) {
var value: T = element
protected set(value) {
field = value
private val observers: ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Observer<T>> = ConcurrentHashMap()
private fun notifyObservers(newValue: T) {
observers.forEach { it.value.onChange(newValue) }
fun addListener(observer: Observer<T>): Subscription {
var uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
while(observers.contains(uuid)) {
uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
val subscription = Subscription(uuid, this)
observers[uuid] = observer
return subscription
fun unsubscribeListener(uuid: UUID) = observers.remove(uuid)
fun unsubscribeAll(): Int {
val num = observers.size
return num
🧵 1
thread please, and don't dump huge pastes directly into the main chat
Slack has a text snippet option you can use, which will be default-collapsed, or put the paste into the thread
also ``` triple backticks will start and end a code block, just like Markdown, which is better than starting and stopping every individual line with `