Hi folks. I need to retrive information from corou...
# coroutines
Hi folks. I need to retrive information from coroutine context (ktor logged user) in an implementation of a function from an abstract java class provided by an external library. I can't implement this function as a suspend function and so i can't access to the coroutine context. Do you have any suggestion?
Does your function need to suspend?
No, it doesn't. I need to implement this java abstract class from my kotlin/ktor project:
Copy code
public interface CurrentUserProvider {

  Object currentUser();
But i can declase currentUser as suspend function, and this function is called from library as an internal callback
Copy code
class MyCurrentUserProvider (val coroScope : CoroutineScope) : CurrentUserProvider () {
  fun currentUser() : java.lang.Object () {
    coroScope.whatever ()
I already try this solution but coroutine context thet can i pass to MyCurrentUserProvider is different from coroutine context that ktor use on http call and not contain the user info. I need to find a way to retrive the correct coroutine context directly from currentUser function.
does ktor call currentUser directly? Or does ktor call something in your app, which then calls something in the Java lib, which then calls currentUser?
the second one
so then can't your app determine the ktor context _bef_ore you call the external library, pass it to your CurrentUserProvider implementation, and then do the call?
exactly, i think that the only way is to save user information in currentThread in some way when ktor call start and retrieve it from currentUser
why in currentThread? Why not simply in a member variable of your CurrentUserProvider implementation?
CurrentUserProvider is a singleton, shared for all call
what about passing a lambda that captures the currentContext variable instead of a CurrentUserProvider implementation?
You need to pass it explicitly to your function as parameter or receiver.
Technically, it would be even possible to expose 
 as a 