I know Flow<T>.combineLatest is deprecated a...
# coroutines
I know Flow<T>.combineLatest is deprecated as it is just called combine but is there a true combineLatest (in the same vain as transformLatest, collectLatest, mapLatest, flatMapLatest) or does combine already behave this way (I don't believe so because the docs don't mention it)
It is not deprecated in a sense that it was ever a thing in Kotlin, it was added just to ease the migration from libs like RxJava. From
Returns a [Flow] whose values are generated with [transform] function by combining the most recently emitted values by each flow.
I think this is what you would expect from this kind of operator. “Latest” in operators like
has a bit different meaning, it actually subscribes to latest produced
and unsubscribes from any previous flows (like RxJava’s
(and I deleted my answer because I realised it was wrong)
Anyway if I understand correctly you’re right, if you suspend in
block and new values are emitted from the combined flows, then the transformation is not cancelled. If you want cancellation then I suppose the simplest way would be moving the work you want cancelled to a separate,
operator, for example instead of
Copy code
  .combine(flow2) { a, b -> heavyTransform(a, b) }
you can do
Copy code
  .combine(flow2) { a, b -> a to b }
  .mapLatest { (a, b) -> heavyTransform(a, b) }
@wasyl yes this is exactly what I was thinking, in fact I think I will create a extension function that chains these two calls together and call it combineLatest... which is back to my original point: feels like this operator should exist in the library already, I suspect the only reason it doesn't is to avoid the confusion for people coming from Rx