Is this ok to do? ```val pool = Executors.newFixed...
# coroutines
Is this ok to do?
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val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(N)
val dispatcher1 = pool.asCoroutineDispatcher()
val dispatcher2 = pool.asCoroutineDispatcher()
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The reason is I want 2 different coroutine scopes. One with a pretty nasty CoroutineExceptionHandler and the other normal
I have something like this
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class AppCoroutineScope : CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(dispatcher1 + evilCoroutineExceptionHandler) {
I want this too..
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class NiceAppCoroutineScope : CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(dispatcher2) {e
sharing the same underlying thread pool
You can use the same dispatcher for those, they’ll still be different scopes
Awesome.. I thought so. Thanks for confirmin
Just to be clear – i would actively avoid creating two dispatchers for this case, since it suggests to readers of your code that they are different somehow and they’re not.
Ah.. same dispatcher, varried scopes.
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