I wasn't sure wether to post here or in <#C0B8M7BU...
# coroutines
I wasn't sure wether to post here or in #android, but the issue I'm having is with the Kotlin coroutines library. Just need some help getting my head around what I'm doing wrong!
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# MainActivity.kt

override fun onStart() {
        var applicationID = runBlocking { Application.registerDevice() }

        Log.d("AppID on-start", applicationID)
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# Application.kt

object Application {
    suspend fun registerDevice(): String {
        return getTokenAsync().await()

    private suspend fun getTokenAsync(): kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred<String> = coroutineScope {
        async {
            return@async FirebaseInstallations.getInstance().id.result.toString()
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E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: com.example.application, PID: 20890
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Task is not yet complete
If anyone could see where I'm going wrong and help point me in the right direction on what I can do to resolve this I would really appreciate it 🙂 Thanks in advance!
Have you tried removing the `return`s?
I still get Task is not yet completed with the returns removed
Firebase is already asynchronous so wrapping it with Coroutines won't help.
I’ve also tried running it in a function like this
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private fun fetchID(): String {
        var token: String
            .addOnCompleteListener(OnCompleteListener<String?> { task ->
                if (task.isSuccessful) {
                    token = task.result.toString()
                    Log.d("App-Token", token)
        return token
But token is not initialised and if I initialise it then it won’t use the updated value from the Firebase function
You're saying it will return immediately, correct?
I guess so? This is how it’s being called
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fun registerDevice() {
        val token = fetchID()
        // do other stuff with token
How would I go about waiting for it to return the FirebaseInstallations task?
You can see the example in there about how you would set up a callback with your onCompletion listener
Perfect got it sorted, thank you @akatkov :)
👍 1