Is there a way to do a cartesian product of two fl...
# coroutines
Is there a way to do a cartesian product of two flows? Something similar to
in RxJava? I have a flow of files and a flow of processors and I need to run all the processors through all the files. I'm looking for something like:
filesFlow.join(processorsFlow) { file, processor -> processor.invoke(file) }
returns the result of the processor so I get new flow of type result)
I was thinking in something like this
Copy code
fun <A, B, AB> Flow<A>.join(
    flowB: Flow<B>,
    selector: (A, B) -> AB
): Flow<AB> {
    return this.flatMapMerge { a -> { b -> selector(a, b) } }
But with this solution I'm subscribing multiple times to flowB.
There isn't a built in operator for this, I'm guessing the expectation is to write one yourself (or maybe they haven't gotten to it yet).
This is an interesting use case. I guess you could use a
with infinite replay buffer to only subscribe once.
I was thinking about it... but then I need to handle the no-end problem of
too. 😭 we need a sharable & finishable
Yeah, passing a finish token through is a bit of a faff.
👍 1
👍 1
@ephemient nice solution. If the types (in this case files and processors) are different and known, then you might not need the intermediate step of mapping to an Either-Left or -Right type, but you can immediately check for the known types. Or am I missing something?
@Erik correct, if you can distinguish them in other ways then you don't need the wrapping type. any other method of tagging would work fine