Hello :wave: Playing around with `Channel` based p...
# coroutines
Hello 👋 Playing around with
based pipelines and was wondering whether you have any suggestions to make it better. NOTE: for this exercise want to stick to channels only Consider following basic example - fetch list of items and for each one of them fetch additional information (details + reviews) that will be used to final result
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val result = mutableListOf()

val summaries = retrieveSummaries()
for (summary in summaries) {
   val details = retrieveDetails(summary.id)
   val reviews = retrieveReviews(summary.id)

   result.add(buildResult(summary, details, reviews)

return result
I could easily parallelize the above by doing something like
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summaries.map { summary -> 
  async {
    val details = async { retrieveDetails(summary.id) }
    val reviews = async { retrieveReviews(summary.id) }
    buildResult(summary, details.await(), reviews.await())
Currently trying to figure out what would be the "best" way to achieve the same using
. "Simplest" would be to do a sequence of channels
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val summaries: ReceiveChannel<Summary> = summariesChannel()
val detailsAndSummaries: ReceiveChannel<Pair<Summary, Detail>> = detailsAndSummariesChannel(summaries)
val result: ReceiveChannel<Result> = resultChannel(detailsAndSummaries)
Looks like
is marked obsolete but I guess logically it would make sense to broadcast summaries and then send both details and reviews from separate channels but I am unsure how to read from multiple channels at once (i.e.
would need results from 3 channels). Any ideas/suggestions?
You can read from multiple channels using
👍 1
looks like
is able to pick first available element from X channels -> my use case in the above is that I need to consume messages from 3 channels to create a single result type
i.e. something like RX
operator (which is marked as deprecated on channels)
why stick to channels specifically? shared flows in latest deprecate broadcast channels
message has been deleted
Its an exercise - got another one using flows as well