I want to ask about thread safety of state flow im...
# coroutines
I want to ask about thread safety of state flow imperative reading/writing
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private val state = MutableStateFlow(IDLE)

fun doSomething() {
    if (state.value == LOADING) return
    state.value = LOADING
    scope.launch {
        try {
            state.value = SUCCESS
        } catch(ex: Exception) {
            state.value = ERROR
i.e. this is not guaranteed to be only single execution, right? I need to make reading & writing of LOADING synchronized, correct?
single execution of what?
it’s just shared mutable state, if state would be not Flow<State>, but just State
so all usual thread-safety techniques are applied here
so your current doSomething is not thread safe
and Flow would be able to make your code thread safe even in theroy, because you have 2 operations: value reading and value writing, they cannot be atomic
but there is atomic version of set for MutableStateFlow, which allows set value atomically with comparation
right, that kind of atomicity is what I need I see this is similar to AtomicInteger api, but I never really used that other than simple counters, so a stupid question, how do I use the
if I need the first param to be a negation (since its a enum)?
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i.e. state.compareAndSet(expected = NOT Loading, new = Loading)
basically to emulate this
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synchonized(state) {
   if (state.value != LOADING) {
      state.value = LOADING
Do I need to write my own primitive with the usual neverending loop etc?
yeah, you can use pattern with infinite loop for this
when you get current value and set it as “expected”, retry if set failed (or return if it already Loading
If I may revive this
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fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.compareNotAndSet(compareNot: T, new: T) {
    do {
        val value = value
        if (value == compareNot) break
    } while (!compareAndSet(value, new))
came up with this, but im not super sure if its correct I was searching for AtomicReference, but they also only have compareAndSet, which sets if the value is the same -- which I have no idea how is that useful, but nevermind
Btw looking at the source of MutableStateFlow.compareAndSet ..they use synchrinzed block as well, I dont really see the CAS, is it just for compiler to optimize magically? If so, I might have just wrote
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fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.setIfNotEqual(newValue: T): Boolean {
    synchronized(this) {
        if (value != newValue) {
            value = newValue
            return true
        } else {
            return false
Which my non-CAS brain reads more easily