Hello everyone and Happy New Year :tada: I have a ...
# coroutines
Hello everyone and Happy New Year 🎉 I have a question about SharedFlow. According to documentation
A default implementation of a shared flow that is created with MutableSharedFlow() constructor function without parameters has no replay cache nor additional buffer. emit call to such a shared flow suspends until all subscribers receive the emitted value and returns immediately if there are no subscribers. Thus, tryEmit call succeeds and returns true only if there are no subscribers (in which case the emitted value is immediately lost).
That means that we might lose some emitted values. To tackle this problem I created the following function:
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 * This function emits value when the receiver shared flow gets the first subscriber
 * It helps to avoid loosing events while view is not subscribed to shared flow
suspend fun <T> MutableSharedFlow<T>.emitLazily(value: T) {
    subscriptionCount.first { it > 0 }
The question is will the 
 function throw an 
 in this case? As far as I understand, it should not do it 😄) Because, the shared flow never completes and we can not convert it into a completing one without adding subscriber. It will be extremely helpful to hear your thoughts))
You won’t necessarily lose emitted values, you can play around with the
, which by default is
= if there is no subscriber, then it’ll suspend until someone subscribes (basically your
there is no guarantee subscription will still be >0 by the time you emit, use built in mechanism from SharedFlow like @nrobi suggests (like a buffer of size 1 + SUSPEND)
Thanks for your answers. I tried this but it did’t help. Please take a look at this test
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runBlockingTest {
    val sharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Int>(extraBufferCapacity = 2)
    val receivedValues = mutableListOf<Int>()

    launch {
    val job = launch { sharedFlow.toList(receivedValues) }

    receivedValues shouldHaveSize 0
This test passes. Basically, it means that
works when we have subscriber. Otherwise, shared flow will just skip the items. By the way, I can not use
replay = 1
, because I don’t want to get last value at the next subscription.
hm yeah this is due to the implementation of emit being
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override suspend fun emit(value: T) {
        if (tryEmit(value)) return // fast-path
where tryEmit returns true if there are no collector and there is no replay cache
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private fun tryEmitNoCollectorsLocked(value: T): Boolean {
        assert { nCollectors == 0 }
        if (replay == 0) return true // no need to replay, just forget it now
you could open an issue with your usecase, maybe a Buffer behaviour could be added for your scenario. not sure how to do it in a safe way now without any replay.
okay, thanks a lot for your time) I will create an issue and post the link here)
do you need the “Shared” aspect of SharedFlow? I feel the reason this is not supported well is because in any scenario with more than one collector it’s a bit esoteric (your emits are essentially processed by ‘once or more’), you could consider just using a Channel if you want to suspend until stuff is processed once (and then still emit to a SharedFlow if you also need to optionally share it)
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in any case, good luck