Hello :wave: Just wondering whether this differenc...
# coroutines
Hello 👋 Just wondering whether this difference in behavior is expected, i.e. given flow <-> publisher interop
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public fun <T : kotlin.Any> org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>.asFlow(): kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<T>
public fun <T : kotlin.Any> kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow<T>.asPublisher(): org.reactivestreams.Publisher<T>
This is valid
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// inferred -> flow: Flow<Any?>?
val flow = when (val publisherOrFlow: Any? = fetchValue()) {
    is Publisher<*> -> publisherOrFlow.asFlow()
    is Flow<*> -> publisherOrFlow
    else -> null
Yet this is invalid
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// inferred -> publisher: Publisher<*>?
val publisher = when (val publisherOrFlow: Any? = fetchValue()) {
    is Publisher<*> -> publisherOrFlow
    is Flow<*> -> publisherOrFlow.asPublisher() // <-- issue here -> inferred type Any? is not a subtype of Any
    else -> null
guess its because
is Java interface?
Can you run a null check before calling
issue is with generics and type erasure