I recently created a Timer that is handled through...
# coroutines
I recently created a Timer that is handled through Coroutines, encapsulated as a
object. I wanted to Unit Test this object but I stumbled across a problem, because I am exposing a
for every “tick” of the Timer I am having trouble testing it since the
value is set to 0. What are the best practices in regards to setting up a Timer like I am here, should I even use a
to expose every tick or should I be using something else? If the approach I am using is correct, what would be the proper way for me to test this?
Copy code
class TimerFlow(
    val type: TimerType,
    val tickIntervalMillis: Long,
    private val externalScope: CoroutineScope
) {
    private val _timer = MutableSharedFlow<TimerTick>(replay = 0)
    val timer: SharedFlow<TimerTick> = _timer

    private var state: TimerState = TimerState.NotStarted
    private var _elapsedTimeMillis = 0L
    val elapsedTimeMillis: Long
        get() = _elapsedTimeMillis

    private val timerAsync: Deferred<Unit> = getCorrectTimerAsync(type)

    fun start() {
        if (state == TimerState.Completed || state == TimerState.Stopped) return

        externalScope.launch { handleStateChange(TimerState.Started) }

    fun stop() {
        externalScope.launch { handleStateChange(TimerState.Stopped) }

    private suspend fun tick() {
            elapsedTimeMillis = _elapsedTimeMillis,
            state = state
        _elapsedTimeMillis += tickIntervalMillis

    private suspend fun handleStateChange(state: TimerState) {
        this.state = state
        when (state) {
            TimerState.NotStarted -> {
                 * Do nothing
            TimerState.Started -> {
             * Cancel the timer and send the final tick
            TimerState.Completed -> {
                    elapsedTimeMillis = elapsedTimeMillis,
                    state = state

    private fun getCorrectTimerAsync(type: TimerType): Deferred<Unit> {
        return when (type) {
            TimerType.Indefinite -> {
                externalScope.async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
                    while (state != TimerState.Stopped &&
                        state != TimerState.Completed && this.isActive) {
            is TimerType.Duration -> {
                externalScope.async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) {
                    while (state != TimerState.Stopped &&
                        state != TimerState.Completed && this.isActive) {
                        if (_elapsedTimeMillis < type.durationMillis) {
                        } else {
I am having trouble testing it since the replay value is set to 0.
I don’t see why that should make testing a problem, can you elaborate why the tests aren’t working?
Also, if you haven’t seen Turbine, it might be helpful: https://github.com/cashapp/turbine
👀 1
I don’t see why that should make testing a problem, can you elaborate why the tests aren’t working?
Perhaps it's the way I'm setting up the test. I'm emitting values prior to subscribers of the flow so they're not getting the value. What ends up happening is that I get an error saying the job never finishes as it's waiting for a value.
Copy code
// given
val myTimer = TimerTask(Duration(100L), 50L, theScope)

// when
val result = myTimer.timer.first()

// then
result.elapsedTime shouldBeEqualTo 50
result.state shouldBeEqualTo Started
I have a test like this but it will never progress pass
val result = myTimer.timer.first()
when debugging and give an error saying "this job has not yet completed"
In your test, what is
? Also what is the scape in which you are running your test? I copied your code and tried to run this test in `runBlockingTest`:
Copy code
fun test() = runBlockingTest {
    // given
    val myTimer = TimerFlow(TimerType.Duration(100L), 50L, this)

    // when
    val result = myTimer.timer.first()

    // then
    assertEquals(50, result.elapsedTimeMillis)
    assertEquals(TimerState.Started, result.state)
and it works fine, test is passing
thanks for taking a look, @KamilH. I was able to get this one to pass in particular! I think I was messing up by using a new
instead of
. If i were to try to test my Indefinite type Timer and want to check that it is not stopped until after I call stopped how would I go about doing that?
If you emit before subscribing, and you don’t reply, then you’re not going to see those items. There are two ways to fix that: 1) Explicitly subscribe before emitting, e.g. using a channel. This is what Rx’s
and Turbine does. 2) “Pause” all the coroutines until you subscribe. This is what using
👍 1