hi! how can i create a flow where the emitting par...
# coroutines
hi! how can i create a flow where the emitting part runs in a different thread / coroutine context ? assume i have an class which has a method getRemoteService() : Flow<Result>. when calling that method i want the method to immediately start consuming the web service so when i call flow.collect{} it is either already finished or still in the process of fetching. somehow with the flow builders i haven't found a way to do that. should i use in that case a channel directly?
You could use a regular flow to actually perform the request, but then in your method use the
operator to subscribe eagerly.
hmm the docs of shareIn says its for multiple consumers. also, somehow code where i use shareIn wont compile .. weird. idea thinks the method is there but the compiler says "Kotlin: Unresolved reference: shareIn" i wrote a mini example here https://github.com/bitkid/ksparql/blob/main/src/test/kotlin/com/bitkid/ksparql/TestClient.kt when the flow is collected it starts reading the bytereadchannel .. not sure how i can start reading directly
It’s often used for multiple consumers, but you can also use it for this.
it seems that shareIn does not close the flow even if the underlying flow is done