Hello, can anyone help me understand the risks ass...
# coroutines
Hello, can anyone help me understand the risks associated with using
functions in prod for a library? Should I surface that to my users? If I understand correctly, it means it will be binary compatible (unlike
). So the only issue is that at some point I might need to change code. But the AAR will be fine using a future version of the library?
yes, correct. When the library code change and you update in your app, everything would work theoretically. In my experience, that annotation is not problematic, kotlin team is very careful with experimental features, which basically means: ‘stable’ feature, but subject to api changes.
🙏 1
For what ti's worth, I would not say the same is true for the ExperimentalTime annotation. 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 results in a binary incompatibility. If you use kotlinx-coroutines and also use a library that was built against an older version, you may end up with runtime errors from the library.