We're trying to perform some tasks sequentially an...
# coroutines
We're trying to perform some tasks sequentially and i was wondering if an actor or a Mutex is better suited for this case. There'd be many queues and each of them will be processing few tasks.
a mutex is the coroutines version of a lock that is non-re-entrant
I find code that uses locks difficult to work with, and the fact that a mutex is non-re-entrant makes it even more difficult
that said, you can make a mutex re-entrant with the code shown here https://elizarov.medium.com/phantom-of-the-coroutine-afc63b03a131
however I love actors and find them delightful to use, but there’s some boilerplate around setting them up
I know the difference between them but I'm not sure which one is better for this specific case. I'm not very enthusiastic about having hundreds of channels.
do you need multiple queues? or a single queue that distributes work to multiple “workers”
Multiple queues
okay yeah then an actor seems appropriate
does your actor need to shut down after completing its work?
Possibly, to save memory
(an actor would just be a coroutine that maintains a queue of work to be done in the form of a channel)
would each actor have its own on-going state?
yeah, an actor definitely seems appropriate then
allows you to define state unique to that actor, separate from other actors
I see, "the state" is a good point. Thanks for the input