Is there any way to check that a couroutineScope i...
# coroutines
Is there any way to check that a couroutineScope is cancelled? on my Unit test I want to check that my coroutineScope is cancelled at some point. The thing is my CoroutineScope is not a mock so I can not use verify.
val CoroutineScope.isActive: Boolean
, is that enough for you?
otherwise you can chain together
Copy code
suspend val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext /* OR */ suspend fun currentCoroutineContext(): CoroutineContext
val CoroutineContext.job: Job
val Job.isCancelled: Boolean
I've thought about that
, but didn't know if it would do the job, I'm going to try it. But I want to check if it's called the
at some point... So that's why I'd need the verify there
isActive is way to go, but it also will be false if Job is finished