I have a question about retriggering a flow (Andro...
# coroutines
I have a question about retriggering a flow (Android app with Paging 3)
This is my code inside the viewmodel, it uses a Paging 3 PagingSource to fetch played tracks from the API in pages
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val playedTracksAsFlow: Flow<PagingData<TrackListItem>> = Pager(PagingConfig(pageSize = 20)) {
        PlayedTracksPagingSource(playedTracksRepository, epochAsZonedDateTime.value!!)

In the activity:
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lifecycleScope.launch {
        playedTracksViewModel.playedTracksAsFlow.collectLatest { pagingData: PagingData<TrackListItem> ->
            val pagingDataWithHeaders = pagingData.insertSeparators { trackListItem, trackListItem2 ->
                val before = (trackListItem as? NowPlaying)
                val after = (trackListItem2 as? NowPlaying)
                if (before?.until?.hour != after?.from?.hour) {
                    after?.from?.let {
                } else {
I add headers to the list, but the user needs to be able to select a different date via the date picker. Then there basically should be a whole new flow contained the tracks from the 24hours on the selected date.
How should I collect a new flow from a different date?
This is my paging source:
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class PlayedTracksPagingSource(private val playedTracksRepository: PlayedTracksRepository,
                               private val initialEndDate: ZonedDateTime) : PagingSource<ZonedDateTime, TrackListItem>() {

    override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<ZonedDateTime>): LoadResult<ZonedDateTime, TrackListItem> {
        return try {
            val userEndDate = params.key ?: initialEndDate
            val prevKey = if (ZonedDateTime.now().isAfter(userEndDate.plusHours(3))) userEndDate.plusHours(3) else null
            val nextKey = if (ZonedDateTime.now().isAfter(userEndDate.plusHours(3))) userEndDate.plusHours(3) else null // todo
            val response = playedTracksRepository.getPlayedTracks(userEndDate.minusHours(3), userEndDate)
                    data = response,
                    prevKey = prevKey,
                    nextKey = userEndDate.minusHours(3)

        } catch (e: IOException) {