Hi, im trying to learn coroutines/Flow I want to ...
# coroutines
Hi, im trying to learn coroutines/Flow I want to subscribe my
flow in android Activity, between onStart and onStop I do that, and notice that after having activity.onStop called, next activity.onStart doesn't start listening to the flow So I conclude scopes are not reusable But this is android reality and I need that. I need equivalent of rx
Is the only solution to have abstraction over the scope which will create new scope instances?
Sounds like you should be using
As that stops collect callbacks when you get stopped and resumes callbacks when you get started again: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/coroutines#suspend
sure, but I'd like to know the underlying issue, so solving it without lifecycleScope
Cancel means permanently cancelled, yes. That's why those methods are there to handle this correctly