Hello! I’m currently having an issue where wrappin...
# coroutines
Hello! I’m currently having an issue where wrapping a callback + switching the context will throw even when wrapping everything inside a Result. The weird part is that I’m not throwing anything, just creating a Result.failure with the exception. Removing withContext will fix the crash, but then I’m not sure how to run on another thread (Code inside the thread)
Copy code
suspend fun <R, E> invokeMethod(
    name: String,
    onSuccessClass: Class<R>,
    onErrorClass: Class<E>,
    vararg args: Any
): Result<R> = withContext(dispatcher) {
    suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
        val onSuccess = { result: String ->
            val data = parseJson(onSuccessClass, result)

        val onError = { error: String ->
            val data = parseJson(onErrorClass, error)

        runtime.invokeMethod(name, onSuccess, onError, *args)
this will crash with the exception that I created (DataException) just like if I threw it instead of passing it as a value
If I call invokeMethod but it lands on onSuccess callback instead, it’ll work properly
okay so this happens because of kotlin’s Result class. I replaced it with my own implementation. Somehow coroutines unwrap my own created Result?
not an expected behavior
is an
inline class
which are still experimental. There are edge cases where they aren’t handled properly by the compiler. I guess your
is unintentionally unwrapped which leads to the exception.
isn’t supposed to be used as a general purpose return type.
well that’s fair. I was really not expecting to hit an issue, but here we are. Going to move forward with my own Result class. Thanks!
Should be fixed in JVM IR FYI.
I hope so. I keep creating inline classes and remove the
days after because I keep getting exceptions 😄