`MutableStateFlow` is great for passing around a s...
# coroutines
is great for passing around a shared cache, or is it? 🤔
Beware of race conditions on update, but yes.
👍 1
Oh, wait. That way if I update the cache I immediately receive the update myself again. That’s not good 😅
Better to wrap the cache in a domain specific API
Makes sense
I still have a cycle. Whenever I save to the cache I also receive the same value as an update. I will need some logic so that whoever updates the cache doesn’t receive the same value back 🤔
Maybe something crazy like:
Copy code
fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.withoutEmittingValueChanges(): MutableStateFlow<T> = …
It returns a new
that only emits values if they were not set by that Flow itself.
I woudln’t say it’s necessarily an issue that whoever sets a value also gets an updates; it helps ensure that the UI is actually reacting to changes in that cache rather than making ad-hoc updates on its own.
It is if it’s recursive. My flow: 1. Collect data from cache 2. On cache data change, start updating data from API using the cached data as initial data 3. Send new data to cache That’s an endless loop
No UI here
The problem is that the emission of values that will be cached depends on initial value supplied by the same cache
Here’s my actual code that would now have that problem
I’ve posted in the wrong channel. Solution I’m working on: https://gist.github.com/fluidsonic/a06419b1c129f3045558c63cbafecca4