What is the best practice of rethrowing Cancellati...
# coroutines
What is the best practice of rethrowing CancellationException if I am catching all exceptions? Do I need to rethrow CancellationException at all?
Copy code
val foo = runCatching { bar() }.getOrNull()  // or similar try-catch block
yes, you have to rethrow it, otherwise you hide cancellation
though, coroutine itself is cancelled, it will be checked only on next suspend point
always? It means
with failback is illegal inside coroutines
it’s not illigal, it’s just hides cancellation
you can implement own version of runCatching, if you use it a lot, which rethrows CancellationException
Ok. I suppose the worst case of hiding cancellation is to let other coroutines continue to work unexpectedly. Am I right?
yes, it delays cancellation, in some cases it can be a problem, anyway, it’s not good itself
this why catchign all exceptions is usually not a good idea
and was one of the main “cons” of adding Result to stdlib
I agree. But in many UI cases, you are needed failbacks for any error, so programmers just catch-all exception.
I am thinking to create a safe pair of
versions only for coroutines with a lint check which do not permit the original version to be used in coroutines
Thanks for explanation! 🙇
That's why I added this bug/feature-request a while ago: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/1814
Just recently had the same concern, unfortunately the proposal above has not had an update in a while. @streetsofboston did you end up just using your solution in your project and wrote your own lint for it? Or perhaps you found a better approach for error handling (like not using the stdlib api at all)
Yes, but without a (new) lint .
👍 1