So I've got a bad idea: What if we embedded a prog...
# coroutines
So I've got a bad idea: What if we embedded a progress bar control and a delegating
into a coroutineContext such that we could ~automagically make progress bars based on the number of suspension points? I think this is akin to reflecting on the number of states the coroutine state machine has. Of course, while-loops and if-statements blow this up, but still I feel like there might be something here. Has anybody got an implementation doing something like this?
I'm tired of replacing my buggy java-based progress-bar implementing spagetti code with kotlin coroutine backed code that is way more readable but only renders a spinner
interesting thought but I have no idea how you would count the number of suspension points left to go
I don’t think it’s possible to do on level of coroutine dispatcher
Also I don’t think that it good enough to just count suspend points
@gildor no but its a start, to make it work youd need some pretty heavy static code analysis
you could do something like
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fun launchProgressBarableTask(subtaskCount: Int, job: suspend () -> R): Deferred<R> { ... }

suspend fun enterSubtask(subtask: suspend () -> R): R { ... }
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fun onUIEvent(){
  launchProgressBarableTask(subtaskCount = customers.size){
    for(customer in customers){
      results += enterSubtask {

you dont actually need
since you can infer it from the dispatch but that seems really brittle to me
of course this also is just working with 1 level of the job tree
if we knew more about ther size of the job tree ahead of time we could build really high fidelity progress bars
wouldn’t be easier publish result explicitly?
I see your point, just curious is effort really worth it, maybe report progress explicitly is easier to maintain and it provides better progress reporting
It also may be pretty idiomatic with right dsl (because you alredy have launchProgressBarableTask which may provice custom scope in lambda):
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fun onUIEvent(){
  launchProgressBarableTask(subtaskCount = customers.size){
    return mapWithProgress(customers) { customer ->
      enterSubtask {
is a method of
which reports progress for each item of
and report it to