What's new in Coroutines 1.3.9? I can't find relea...
# coroutines
What's new in Coroutines 1.3.9? I can't find release notes
Biggest thing is probably just kotlin 1.4.0 support. I think there are a bunch of big things coming soon but they probably just wanted to do a minor version bump to build with the new stable kotlin version before landing SharedFlow and stuff.
yep, also most of this compatibility with Kotlin 1.4.0 is important for MPP projects, but 1.3.8 should already work fine for JVM
Yeah! I'm waiting for
SharedFlow be sitting in the pub for so long now
1.3.9 will not include sharedflow
You folks are pretty fast 🙂 There is no announcement because this version depends on Kotlin 1.4.0 that is not yet released. It just feels a bit weird to announce a version of the library that depends on an unreleased version of the language.
I just received a GitHub notification, because I'm watching releases! You should be aware that automated processes like this will notify some users very soon! It's like publishing to bintray: bots that upgrade dependencies automatically will have opened or even merged PRs before you have even officially published a release! So keep that in mind
@Erik thanks for your concerns! Yeah, that’s kind of expected, these versions are tested, stable and indeed it’s safe to update. GH releases are something important as well, as Kotlin blog post 1.4 references them (-> they should be ready before the Kotlin release). TL;DR nothing unexpected, but next time we’ll probably change the way we were doing it for 1.4, e.g. announce libraries before Kotlin with a clear explanation of what’s going on 🙂
👍 1
is still jvm-only?