OjWej, what have I done wrong this time? :cry: ```...
# coroutines
OjWej, what have I done wrong this time? 😢
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/coroutines/AbstractCoroutineContextKey
I thought adding kotlinx-coroutines-core to my pom.xml would be enough...? kotlin: 1.3.72 kotlinx-coroutines-core: 1.3.7 - Also tried it with 1.3.5: Same result...
looks that you don’t have stdlib (or your stdblib is too old)
Hello Andrey I'm using kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 in version 1.3.72. Will chekc if there is a more recent version. Thanks! Best regards Alex
no 1.3.72 should be enough
maybe you have something like old kotlin-stdlib (which overrides jdk8 transitive dependecy)
kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 itself is a very small artifact which provides a few classes for Java 8 support, but it itself has kotlin-stdlib in dependencies
also, check that you don’t have
this is old name of the same artifact which existed before Kotlin 1.2, so it may also bring old stdlib to classpath and I not sure how maven dependency resolution will work in this case
Hello Andrey Thanks for your help but just foget it: I'm as dumb as I'm tall... 🤪 I've fogotten to include kotlin-stdlib in my dependency-list... How embarrassing... 🙁 Best regards Alex
kotlin-stdlib should be transitively added by kotlin-stdlib-jdk8, but again not very familiar with maven
Yes, that's what puzzles me a little bit: The transitively added dependencies should be added to the class-path. I've added the dependency to my pom.xml explicitly now. And - Surprise! - it works like expected. Funny.
That what I’m saying, maybe it was overwritten by another depedency, because in maven not always the nevest version is used (at least as I know), dependency resolution is different