Hello, What is the best course/tutorial that cover...
# coroutines
Hello, What is the best course/tutorial that covers Coroutines well and that you would recommend for someone who already knows RxJava and Kotlin? Many Thanks
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If you already know RxJava, the official guide on Flow might be a good place to start: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines/flow.html And the Coroutines By Example section on it: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/blob/master/docs/flow.md#asynchronous-flow Then you could zoom out to the rest of the guide/example doc for a more in-depth look at the underlying infrastructure. https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines/coroutines-guide.html
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Is slide 25 in that deck correct? Great presentation otherwise...would have liked to see a list of missing operators at the end summary 🙂
This slide? Which part looks wrong?
would have liked to see a list of missing operators at the end summary
Rx operators missing from Flow? It would be difficult to come up with such a list. Many operators that exist in Rx don’t have, and won’t have, an exact analogue in Flow, since the Flow approach is more “fewer operators that are more flexible”, whereas Rx has more specific operators for every different variation.
Isn't the second flow example on the slide like Rx concatMap? In the cons at the end, is mentioned missing operators....sounds like stuff is still missing vs. less operators...
Isn’t the second flow example on the slide like Rx concatMap?
Yea, pretty much. I think there’s more context in the voiceover if you watch the actual talk (if not, apologies!). There’s a link to a recording of the talk on the second slide.
In the cons at the end, is mentioned missing operators....sounds like stuff is still missing vs. less operators...
True, although the biggest one that is hard to write yourself is the sharing stuff, and that’s probably shipping with the 1.4 companion release.
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