I’m not usually one to post an SO question, but i ...
# coroutines
I’m not usually one to post an SO question, but i feel like it’s relevant here, and it could use some more attention: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62747825/coroutine-stateflow-stops-emitting-when-coroutinescope-is-cancelled
This sounds like a bug, did you file one?
No - I just assumed this is intended behavior
How could I recognise/argue that its a bug?
Looks like you're basically implementing stateIn manually - I wonder if it has the same behavior
Yeah, I don’t think
for StateFlow is released yet? I remember reading some github comments where it was proposed, and then I decided to basically emulate the same behavior. Because I’m relatively new to coroutines, it’s hard for me to understand whether that part is relevant or not. The
equivalent here is just ‘feeding’ the
values - I feel like this`JobCancellationException` issue should occur independently of whatever is passing values to the
. In other words, the downstream consumer’s scope is cancelled, passing a
up the hierarchy, to the
. The coroutine feeding values to the
is secondary, or possibly outside the scope of this issue. (Maybe?)
If I can figure out how, I’ll test whether this occurs with
You're correct, stateIn hasn't been released yet.
Can you tell me what makes you think this a bug? I’ve been trying to understand this scope/context stuff for a couple days.. When the scope is cancelled, it’s expected that a JobCancellationException is propagated up the chain, right? So that the job and its parents can be cancelled?
have you tried to minimize the code (removing your MVP classes, android dependencies, libraries, etc) that demonstrates your issue? to something like https://pl.kotl.in/XaLM2jj6j But with the sample above canceling downstream doesn't affect state flow producer scope.
No, I haven’t. I’ll see if I can reproduce the issue in the playground
Actually, if you remove your final 2 lines of code:
Copy code
It looks like you can reproduce the issue
You’ll notice that collector 2 stops collecting values shortly after job1 is cancelled
Oh, hmm. Looks like I don’t understand the playground all that well
if you remove delay/join - main fun completes and main process just terminates
Yeah, I see that now 🤦
OK, yeah, interesting. I can’t replicate this in the playground
This was my mistake. My test method was flawed - I was cancelling the scope of the coroutine, then attempting to bind() the same presenter again (thinking it was a new instance of presenter). So this is behaving as expected